Un Olivo

An Olive Tree, Organic Premium Extra Virgin 500ml Glass


Un Olivo Extra Virgin Organic 500ml is perfect for those looking to incorporate an extra virgin olive oil of Valencian origin into their kitchen in a format ideal for everyday use.

Made from Picual olives, this fruity and slightly spicy oil is suitable for both raw and high-temperature recipes, while retaining its properties and exceptional flavour.

Ideal for consumption raw. Its intensity enhances the flavour of hams, cured meats, sausages and cheeses. Ideal for making sauces and emulsions and to accompany boiled vegetables, fish and pasta.

Extra virgin olive oil
Maximum acidity: 0.11º
Variety: Picual
Origin: Larva, from the family farms Las Espesas and El Llano

First cold extraction, Temperature: 18º